Sven Giegold


European Citizens Initiative: Deal between Parliament and Council puts participatory European Democracy in danger

On 12 December, the European Parliament, Council and Commission reached a deal in trilogues on an updated regulation on the European Citizens Initiative (ECI). A reform is needed as only 4 ECIs managed to collect the required 1 million signatures across Europe. More than 30 initiatives failed.   Now, future ECIs will see ECIs made […]


Commission finally recognises need to revise European Citizens‘ Initiative

Yesterday, in a speech to the European Citizens´ Initiative Day conference, Vice-President Timmermans announced that the European Commission will present proposals to revise the European Citizens´ Initiative (ECI) later this year after launching a public consultation. The Greens/EFA group was instrumental in pushing for this new democratic tool in the EU, but we always wanted […]


Thanks for your support in fighting for the European Democracy!

(Für Antwort in Deutsch bitte runter scrollen!)   Thanks for your email in support of a European Citizen Initiative living up to its name. Yes, I commit to continue standing up for the ECI and a stronger European Democracy! The crucial vote in the Committee on Constiutional affairs will take place one week later than […]


Erfolg bei Bürgerinitiative ‘Recht auf Wasser’: EU-Kommission muss Bürgerwillen respektieren

Am heutigen Dienstag hat eine Mehrheit von Abgeordneten der Grünen/EFA- , sozialdemokratischen und linken Fraktionen im Europäischen Parlament die europäische Bürgerinitiative gegen die Privatisierung der Wasserversorgung unterstützt. Konservative, liberale und rechtskonservative Abgeordnete hatten versucht, die Bürgerinitiative mit einer Alternativresolution zu Fall zu bringen. Sie konnten sich damit aber nicht durchsetzen. Dazu sagt Claude Turmes, Mitglied […]
