Sven Giegold

Stellenausschreibung: Expert/in für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik

Die Fraktion GRÜNE/EFA im Europäischen Parlament sucht jetzt nach einer/m neue/n Experten/in zur Verstärkung unseres freundlichen und wirklich Europäischen Grünen ECON Teams im Ausschuss für Wirtschaft und Währung des Europäischen Parlaments. Dort haben wir uns in den letzten Jahren einen guten Ruf in den Bereichen Finanzmarktregulierung, Steuerpolitik und Makroökonomie erarbeitet. Wir freuen uns auf eine/n neue/n Kollegen/in mit fundiertem Wissen in Ökonomie, Finanzmarktregulierung und/oder Wirtschafts-/Finanzmarktrecht, die/der gerne beitragen möchte zu einem grüneren Europa – eines, das nachhaltig, sozialer, demokratisch und geeinter ist.


Wir freuen uns auf Bewerbungen und die Verbreitung dieser Stellenausschreibung!


Der Posten ist entspricht der Personalkategorie AST 2 und ist nicht befristet.


Unten und unter findet Ihr/finden Sie weitere Informationen zu der Stelle sowie die Adresse, an die die Bewerbungen bis spätestens zum Freitag, 19. Juni gesendet werden sollen.





N° IRC 157858


Post: ASSISTANT (F/M) – Political Expert to the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON)

Temporary Agent (Grade AST 2)



The Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament has decided to open the procedure for

filling a post of Assistant (Political Expert) as Temporary Agent in its Secretariat in



Place of employment

Brussels (Belgium). Frequent travel outside the place of work is required, in particular

several days per month to Strasbourg during the plenary session and to other Member

States for short trips.



Before filling in the application form, please read the recruitment notice carefully. It

provides precise information on the conditions for admission, and the selection procedure



Closing date for applications

The closing date for applications is Friday, 19 June 2015 (as shown by the postmark or the date given on the delivery slip of the private mailing company). The position is to be filled

in September 2015.



The Political Expert to the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) fulfils a supranational function within the Greens/EFA Group Secretariat, and assists all Greens/EFA Members of the European Parliament in carrying out their duties.


Tasks to be performed:

  • Take part in the preparation of parliamentary work and attend the meetings of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON);
  • Assure close cooperation in the Green ECON team (3 staff members, offices of concerned MEPs) and close contacts to EP secretariat;
  • Follow up outcomes of committee reports after adoption in plenary and of political priorities of the group in this field;
  • Liaise and prepare negotiation with Commission and Council services;
  • Do specific research and take part in the preparation of policy papers on key issues for committee and group priorities;
  • Keep Group Members informed about the work in the committee; take part in the work of the Group concerning ECON issues, prepare dossiers for Group meetings;
  • Cooperate with Green/EFA colleagues and colleagues of other political groups, the European Parliament and respective services within the European Commission on relevant policy issues;
  • Network with political actors in the field, outside the European Parliament;.
  • Prepare and follow-up conciliation and trialogue meetings
  • Organise conferences in the fields of competence;
  • Contribute to campaign material and media work, campaigning in the field of competence, following up political priorities of the group linked to this field.



  • Qualifications and professional experience as laid down in heading III. B. 1;
  • Very good knowledge of economics, financial regulation and/or economic/financial law;
  • Knowledge of languages as set out in heading III. B. 2;
  • Strong knowledge of the institutional structure of the European Union and its activities and the legislative procedures is necessary as well as of the functioning of the European Parliament;
  • Very good writing skills and analytical capacities; very good organisational methodology and data management;
  • Open-mindedness, communicative attitude; be a good team-worker and ready to work flexible hours and joining missions.


Interest in the political work of the Greens/EFA group and familiarity with political questions relevant in the ECON committee is an asset, as is knowledge about Green politics in the field. Are regarded as assets as well: Professional experience in the field for more than the two years required, experience in working in a political administration, in a civil society organisation or a working experience in the European Parliament.



The selection procedure is open to candidates who fulfil the following conditions by the closing date for applications.



Under article 12, (2) of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants (CEOS) of the

European Communities, candidates must:

– be citizen of an EU Member State;

– enjoy full rights as citizen;

– have fulfilled any obligations imposed by the laws concerning military service;

– meet the character requirements for the duties involved.


  2. Qualifications and professional experience required:

Candidates must have at least a level of education which corresponds to a level of:

  1. a) post-secondary education attested by a diploma in line with the nature of the function or
  2. b) a level of secondary education attested by a diploma giving access to post-secondary education, and appropriate professional experience of at least three years, as provided for in Article 5 of the Staff Regulations;


The following will also count as professional experience for half of its duration but may not

constitute in total more than one year:

– Duly attested periods of on-the-job specialised training or professional training subsequent to the diploma obtained and

– Additional training leading to a qualification at least equivalent to the qualification required in point 1.(a).

In the case of the possible accumulation of on-the-job specialised training or professional training with a period of professional activity, the Selection Board will only take into account the period of professional activity.


  1. c) In addition and subsequently to III B 1 a) or to III B 1 b) a minimum of 2 years of professional experience in line with the nature of the function as laid down in heading II.


A post-secondary education attested by a diploma in the field of Law is an asset.


  1. Knowledge of languages

Candidates must have an excellent standard of English and fluency in at least one other EU language.

Knowledge of other official languages of the European Union will be an asset.


  1. Supporting documents required

Qualifications and professional experience, as well as linguistic knowledge must be set out in detail in the application form and must be accompanied by supporting documents (if not written in English, French or German, an unofficial translation is required.), a CV and a letter of motivation.


With regard to professional experience outlined in point III.B.1., this must be justified by one or more supporting documents, from among those listed for guidance below:

– Employment contracts or certificates, letters or attestations of appointment, indicating the exact nature of the activity performed and the dates on which the professional experience began and, where applicable, ended,

– In the case of current professional activity, both the initial contract and the most recent salary slip as proof of the duration of that activity,

– In the case of self-employment, evidence of professional activity such as tax forms, VAT forms, trade register, social security documents, invoices, etc


Should it not be clearly ascertainable from the qualifications and diplomas, all claims regarding the candidate’s linguistic knowledge must be backed up by supporting documents attached to the application. In the case of absence of such documents, candidates must clearly explain, on a separate signed declaration, how they acquired this knowledge.


A curriculum vitae is not regarded as a supporting document.



The selection procedure will be held on the basis of qualifications and tests (oral and written).


  1. A list of the candidates who have submitted their applications in the form required and by the closing date, and fulfil the general conditions (set out in heading III A) will be drawn up by the President of the Selection Board.


  1. Accordingly, candidates who:

-do not meet the general conditions for admission,

-submitted their application after the closing date (as evidenced by the postmark or delivery slip of the private courier service),

-failed to send their application file (letter, application form, CV and supporting documents) by surface mail,

-failed to sign their application form,

-do not attach a copy in either English, French or German of the supporting documents required, will be excluded.


  1. The Selection Board will consider the applications, draw up the list of candidates who meet the specific conditions set out in heading III.B, and select, on the basis of previously established criteria, the candidates whose qualifications and duly attested periods of professional experience best match the duties to be carried out, as described in point II of the „Nature of the Function and Profile“. It will base its decision on information given in the application form and backed up by supporting documents. Candidates who do not meet the conditions governing admission set out under section III.B or who have failed to substantiate their claims by means of relevant supporting

documents within the time required will be excluded at this stage. Applications sent by

internal mail or hand delivery are not accepted.


  1. The application files will count for 20 points, only a maximum of 10 candidates with the best scores higher than 10 points will be admitted to the tests.


  1. Candidates will receive an email informing them of the Selection Board’s decision on whether to admit them to the tests. Candidates must therefore include a valid email address with their application – failure to do so will result in exclusion from the competition.


  1. Please note that the Selection Board may cancel the decision to admit a candidate to the competition if, at any stage whatever in the selection procedure, it finds that

– s/he does not meet one or more of the general, particular or specific conditions governing admission to the selection procedure, or

– the claims made in her/his application are not substantiated by appropriate supporting documents or prove to be inaccurate.



Invitations to the tests will be sent by email. Candidates are responsible for notifying the Selection Board’s secretariat of any changes in their particulars and/or address or email. The Greens/EFA Group cannot be held responsible for the non-delivery of email. It is not possible to participate in the tests on any other day that the one indicated in the invitation email.


  1. TESTS

The Selection Board may decide to disqualify any candidate whose behaviour disrupts the running of the tests




Nature, duration and marking of the test

The written test will be held in English and in another EU language (as indicated by the candidate in his/her application form) on a topic chosen by the Selection Board in an area relevant to the field of work as defined in point II. „Nature of the Function and Profile“, to assess the candidate’s knowledge of languages, his/her level of knowledge and writing ability.

Duration of the test: 45 minutes

Marking: 0 to 40 points

Candidates scoring less than 20 will be eliminated.



Nature, duration and marking of the test

An interview with the Selection Board will be held mainly in English and in another EU

language (as indicated by the candidate in his/her application form), secondarily in other languages of the candidate as appropriate, to assess the candidate’s general knowledge, particularly of European institutions and policies, the ability to express him/herself, his/her linguistic knowledge, his/her ability to take initiative and general suitability for the duties within the Secretariat of the Greens/EFA Group as laid down in point II. of the current recruitment notice, taking account of all the information contained in the candidate’s application file.

Duration of the test: 25 minutes

Marking: 0 to 40 points

Candidates scoring less than 20 will be eliminated.




The Selection Board will establish a list of a maximum of 5 best candidates whose marks on a total of 100 are the highest. Candidates will be listed in order of merit. The Authority Authorised to Conclude Contracts will select the candidate to be appointed from this list. The Greens/EFA Group maintains an equal opportunities policy; in case of equal appreciation on competence and suitability to the position, preference will be given to female applicants.

Other candidates included on the list of suitable candidates will be eligible to be recruited as the need arises in the Greens/EFA Group. The list of suitable candidates is considered as a reserve list for further possible recruitments under the same grading conditions.

The reserve list will have an initial validity of two years. It can be extended. If so, shortlisted

candidates will be duly informed.



  1. The candidate must sign his/her application form, join a CV and a letter which sets out

his/her motivation for the post in question, indicate the number of the selection

procedure (IRC 157858) and enclose with it photocopies of supporting documents

proving that s/he meets the special conditions governing admission to the selection

procedure (see heading III B.), to enable the Selection Board to verify the claims made

in the application. If the candidate fails to do so he/she can be disqualified.

Each page of the photocopied supporting documents must be numbered and listed on a

contents pag

e giving a description of each document and the corresponding page

number(s). Candidates are kindly asked not to staple the documents and to submit them

only in the recto format.

Applicants are reminded that, in accordance to point III.B.3., candidates whose

qualifications and diplomas are in a language other than English, French or German are

requested to attach a non-official translation in one of these languages.

None of the documents in the application file will be returned to the candidate. Shortlisted

candidates who are offered a job will in due course be required to produce

originals of their diploma, degree and employment certificates for verification.

  1. Candidates with a physical disability are requested to enclose with their application, on a

separate sheet, details of any arrangements they may consider necessary to help them

take the tests, and to attach supporting documents concerning their disability.

  1. The application must be sent

by Friday, 19 June 2015 at the latest (as attested by

postmark or the delivery form of the private courier service) to the following address:

Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament


Deputy Secretary General

Recruitment notice IRC 157858


PHS 2C03

Rue Wiertz 60



  1. No information on the reception of applications will be sent prior to the individual

notification of the Selection Board’s decision.

  1. Any correspondence relating to an application must quote the number of the selection

procedure, and must only be sent to the aforementioned address in English.

The address and email address indicated by the candidate in the application form will be

the addresses used for all correspondence relating to the selection procedure.

This address will be considered as the location from which the candidate will depart to

travel to the place of the tests.

It is the candidate’s responsibility to inform the Selection Board secretariat in writing to

the aforementioned address, and in good time, of any change in personal data and/or

address or email.

Any urgent communication from the candidates must quote the number of the selection

procedure, and must be transmitted to the Selection Board’s secretariat by email only

(email address: Candidates are requested not to call

the Selection Board secretariat.

Brussels, 1 June 2015

Rubrik: Wirtschaft & Währung

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