Sven Giegold


Greece: Election winner stands for clientelism and corruption until today

On the result of the parliamentary elections in Greece, MEP Sven Giegold, financial and economic policy spokesperson of the Greens/EFA group, commented: “The hope remains that Greece will not fall back into bad old times. Nea Dimokratia has never drawn credible conclusions from the corruption scandals. To this day the party of the election winner […]


Visit to Greece

Dear correspondents and journalists,   This Monday and Tuesday I will be part of a delegation of the economic and monetary affairs committee (ECON) of the European Parliament to Athens. We will meet the minister of finance Euklid Tsakalotos, several other members of the government as well as representatives of the Parliament and of the […]


Financial Assistance in Greece: Eurogroup reform proposal on collective bargaining is against EU law

This week sees a series of meetings between Greek government officials and representatives of the institutions as part of the second bailout review negotiations. These talks take place ahead of the Eurogroup meeting of 5 December, where discussions on an agreement on the restructuring of the Greek public debt will open.  According to Greek sources, […]


Support Greece! Appell für einen fairen Deal für Griechenland

Europa und Griechenland brauchen unsere Unterstützung. Jetzt sind wir alle gefragt. Die Ereignisse rund um den Verbleib Griechenlands in der Eurozone überschlagen sich. Die Situation ist dramatisch: Es geht um nicht weniger als die Zukunft des europäischen Projektes. Denn die Spaltung der Eurozone wäre ein Scheitern für Alle in Europa. Wir sind nun als Europäer*innen […]
