Sven Giegold

tax dumping

New study: Vast differences in corporate tax rates across the EU demonstrate the need for more tax transparency

Especially multinational corporations benefit more than average from tax privileges and tax loopholes in the European Union. This is the result of the new study „Effective Tax Rates of Multinational Enterprises in the EU“ commissioned by the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament. The study is based on the best country-specific tax data available, the […]


Revelations on tax avoidance of football stars: serious foul play against common good

Today, the Spanish newspaper “El Confidencial” reports on leaked documents revealing tax avoidance practices by football stars like Cristiano Ronaldo. Although residing in Madrid, Ronaldo has been invoicing most of his advertising revenues through an Irish company. With this manoeuvre, he has benefitted from a significantly lower tax rate on his earnings. While Spain taxes […]


Fighting for tax justice in Europe: Green amendments to draft report against tax dumping

Today, the deadline for tabling amendments to the European Parliament’s special committee’s second report against tax dumping ended. For us, it is important to send a strong signal to the other European institutions and to the European citizens. Therefore, our Green amendments to the draft report are calling on the Commission and the Member States […]


Mystery-monger: Commission still owes crucial documents to EP’s special committee against tax avoidance

While publicly calling for more tax transparency, the European Commission itself is at the forefront of mystery-mongers when it comes to disclosing documents of the Code of Conduct Group on business taxation, a Council fora dedicated to eliminate harmful tax measures.   Although the Commission claims to have fulfilled all TAX2 requests for documents, together […]


Special Committee against tax dumping needs full access to key documents to fulfil its mandate

We continue to push hard to get access to all documents needed to clarify who bears the blame for tax dumping in Europe and in particular for the failure of the Code of Conduct Group on business taxation, a Council fora dedicated to eliminate harmful tax measures.   Together with Fabio de Masi (GUE/NGL), today […]


Maßnahmenpaket gegen Steuerdumping: Kommission schöpft das BEPS-Instrumentarium nicht aus

An diesem Donnerstag stellt die EU-Kommission ihr neues Maßnahmenpaket gegen Steuerdumping internationaler Großunternehmen vor. Zuletzt hatten die europäischen Wettbewerbshüter Starbucks und Fiat wegen ihrer Steuersparmodelle zu Rückzahlungen in Millionenhöhe verdonnert und eine belgische Steuerregelung für illegal erklärt. Jetzt wird die Kommission auch gesetzgeberisch aktiv und will Steuerdumping von vornherein vereiteln. Das Paket soll einen Teil […]
